A lot of what happens at Nook is behind the scenes, marketing for clients, data analysis, website and web system support, so it is really satisfying to complete a new website for a client, especially if the website looks pretty.

Amazing Ski websiteEssentially with the website the objective is to make a responsive website so that it performs equally well on a desktop or tablet or mobile phone.

phone view of site

The objective of the website is to provide information to prospective travelers who may be considering a ski holiday. Take a look www.amazingski.co.za.

This is a simple website for Jo O’Connor, a friend who is an artist, a space where she can upload her portfolio of past work, show people what she is currently working, and possibly do some blogging.

WordPress was the most logical selection for this, and the clean lines required made the requirements even simpler. Despite the apparent simplicity, it took us about a year to get all the bits and pieces together for this site.

Take a look at Jo O’Connor’s current work

Google has for a while offered ways of measuring the speed of your website using Google Webmaster Tools and an extension to the Firefox addon Firebug called Page Speed. These are all very well but only let you know 1. how Google experiences the speed of your website and 2. how you experience the speed of your site. What it does not give you is how your visitors experience your website and this is what Google have just added to the new Analytics interface.

This is especially relevant to South African companies choosing to host their websites in the USA to save on hosting costs, but their main audience is a long way off. Being able to measure the site’s load speed and evaluate changes made to the website against these values can only be useful to anyone with the website.

Unfortunately there are some tweaks which need to be made to tracking codes to be able to take advantage of this, but our advice is the sooner this is implemented the sooner you start gathering data for future analysis.

Clementina is a Cape Town based ceramist who produces beautiful ceramics generally with strong, sometimes zany, colours. She designed the Africa Cafe range of crockery which I am sure everyone in SA has seen at some point.

The Brief

The site serves as a home to Clementina’s work and the Clementina shop which carries other ceramists work as well as some other products. There is the possibility that an e-commerce component will be added to the site in the future.

Design a clean uncluttered website that will allow the work to stand out.

Provide a CMS for easy editing of pages and for the addition of news.

The Result

Working on analytics for an online application based in a social media platform has been interesting, from a couple of angles.

1. measurement of virality of the application.

You have your plan of how your user-base will grow, but only through analysis of user data will you learn what is really happening.

2. focus on user engagement

Online retail for instance wants you to buy something; look around the store, pick up a couple of things and go through the checkout. Social? Well there could be any revenue model, but what you really want is users interacting with the app, with each other, and with the thing that is generating your revenue, no clear funnel necessarily, a lot of chaos to make sense of.

I would not go so far as to say that Analytics for a retail site vs social is totally different, but the focus is slightly shifted. eg on a retail site you may ramp up your ad spend as you grow, where on social you want to get a critical mass early on and gain a groundswell of users inviting their friends as soon in the application’s life as possible.

An article on ClickZ (sponsored by Omniture) Web Analytics for Social Media starts to look at this issue, but leaves it with a lot of open questions, but with social media being such a broad area it would be tough to go into specifics.